Frequently Asked Questions

Methodology & Expertise

How have Rebalance portfolios performed?

Are you a financial planner?

Why do I need an investing expert?

Can you customize a portfolio for me?

What is an ETF and why do you use them?

Why is your methodology different than any other broker?

Rebalance Service

What types of accounts does Rebalance manage?

How Do Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) Work?

How long does it take to get started?

What is the minimum size portfolio I need to get started?

Trusting Rebalance

How do I cancel your service?

What’s the catch? How else do you make money from my account?

What will my total investment fees be?

How can you only charge a 0.75% management fee?

Why should I trust Rebalance over a well-known broker?

Where is my money held?

How safe is the data you have about me?

Account Operations

Is Rebalance affiliated with Charles Schwab or Fidelity?

How will I get statements and reports?

401(k) Education

Cash Balance Plan Fact Sheet

401(k)/Profit Sharing vs. Cash Balance Plans

Most Common 401(k) Violations

Your Role as a Fiduciary

The BetterK Advantage